24.- Portafolios Asfixia y Reanimacion Neonatal

Diciembre 2022



Numero  Folio

Titulo del Folio

Folio 1

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with an Intact Umbilical Cord

Folio 2

End-tidal CO2 al inicio de reanimacion y ventilation of Preterm < 30 s gestation

Folio 3

Perinatal asphyxia from the obstetric standpoint

Folio 4

A Global View of Neonatal Asphyxia and Resuscitation       (Free) Spanish

Folio 5

Methods for assessing the severity of perinatal asphyxia    (Free)

Folio 6

Delivery Room Management of Asphyxiated Neonates         (Free) Spanish

Folio 7

Hipotermia terapeutica en EHI neonatal

Folio 8

Recommended Guideline for Uniform Reporting of Neonatal Resuscitation

Folio 9

Active approach in delivery room and survival of infants born between 22 - 26 s

Folio 10

Induction to neonatal resuscitation: A UK-wide survey on practice

Folio 11

Recommended Guideline for Uniform Reporting of Neonatal Resuscitation

Folio 12

Asphyxia, Therapeutic Hypothermia, and Pulmonary Hypertension

Folio 13

Código encefalopatía Hipóxico isquémica

Folio 14

Manejo de asfixia en Sala de partos

Folio 15

Vision global de Asfixia y Reanimacion

Folio 16

Reanimación con Cordon Intacto

Folio 17

Neonatal Life Support Diciembre 2024

Folio 18

Portafolios de Hipotermia